Towncraft: Friends and Adventure


-=- ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Hidden Chaos - Command Reference and Info ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ -=-

Hidden Chaos is a post-apocalypse survival server. With crew vs crew showdown and PVP and PVE and so much more. So start your crew and bunker in your base so no one will find it. Go out make some money Mining, farming, fishing, and raiding other crews. HC maps last 30 days also called a season. To win you need to have your Crew Core down and have the most wealth by the end of the season!

The MAIN focus of Hidden Chaos is to HIDE your stuff. Building in plain site will just get you killed and griefed.

Basic Command Reference:

/crew help

/c help -> View help for the crew commands
/c chat f -> Lock to Crew Chat
/c invite -> Create Crew
/waypoints -> Use this to navigate to different waypoints
/kits -> Obtain kits over time to replenish food etc

Basic FAQ:

How do you make money? A: Mining, farming, digging and upgrading your /skills
How do i find shops and other locations? A: Use /waypoints can provide you with direction

General Information:
- All outposts have enchanting tables and crafting tables.

Waypoint Information:

- Ore Merchant: Available to sell goods to. Check here first before ya do some serious mining etc.
- Gate Keeper: Access to the nether
- Blacksmith: Buy your horse armor upgrades and weapons / tools
- Glob: This is the global merchant. He sells many items.
- Meat Lady: She is there to sell you food
- Transporter: This alows you to transport goods across the map. Like using an Ender Chest to transfer items to your base. To use costs 100,000 each time.
- Keeper of the thingy:
- Trade in boss keys here from fighting bosses around the world

- Sell your mob loot here (Rotten Flesh, Bones etc)
- Glob is also here. He is there to buy goods.
- Transporter also available in the bathroom of McV's

The Farm:
- Shops are on the second floor.
- Farmer Joe: Sell your farm goods here.
- Glob: Global Merchant for buying goods.
- Transporter also available at this location.

The Factory:
- This is all your enchanting goods
- Worker 206: Sells enchanting books
- Glob: Global Merchant for buying goods
- Transporter also available at this location.

Red Stuff: Abandoned Gas Station
- This is where you can get all your potions and redstone stuff.
- Red Stop: You can buy items from this merchant
- Transporter also available at this location.
- Glob: Global Merchant for buying goods

Nether Portal: (East and West)
- At the center of the nether there is the Nether Merchant.
- This is where you can cash in your extra spawners

The Fishing Hole:
- JBait: Merchant for buying fish bait
- To be able to buy bait you need to be a certain fishing level depending on the bait type.
- Check /skills to see what level you are in fishing.
- Fish Merchant: Sell your fish to him by placing the fish in the NPC's inventory and then exit out.
- It will announce to you in chat how much you earned from the fish you deposited.
- Pole: Sells fishing poles, dolphin tails, crab scales and claws etc

- Augment Crafting (aka runes):
- - In order to make fishing fun you can use /fish augments to craft fishing runes.
- - You take the recipe for crafting these and have to drop them into the crafting pots (aka cauldrons) and use the fishing rod to hit it.
- - PS: While attempting this make sure clear lag does not wipe out your items.

Advanced Crew Information:
/crew help

This is where you can view your crews core and see where you rank on the top lists etc

At the end of each season (Monthly) rewards are given to the top teams which will help you in the following season.

1st Place:
-> Crew Name for next season
-> Game tag with Season 1 in Gold Color font
-> One Lit rank from the for the MVP of your group. (Decided by leader of faction / crew)

2nd Place:
-> Crew Name for next season
-> Game tag with Season 1 in White Color font
-> One Shook rank from the for the MVP of your group. (Decided by leader of faction / crew)

3rd Place:
-> Crew Name for next season
-> Game tag with Season 1 in Gray Color font