=============== Towncraft Information ===============
MCMMO Overview:
MCMMO is a skill based addon that allows you to enhance
certain tasks. Some tasks include Fishing, Mining,
Herbalism, Repair and Acrobatics.
To list all do /mcstats
Abilities are granted per task like the ability to mine
faster by enabling GigaDrill ability. To enable these
abilities you can hold an item in hand, example being
a pickaxe for GigaDrill, then by right clicking. In
chat it will alert you that you have activated this
ability and you can continue mining. As you level up
this skill, your length of time the ability will be
extended when activated.
MCMMO Specific Commands:
/mcstats - Shows a scoreboard with your stats on the EX: /mcstats
right side of screen. EX: /mcstats
/mctop - Shows whose on top for power and abilities. EX: /mctop
/mcrank - Shows mcmmo rankings on the server. EX: /mcrank
=============== Towncraft Information ===============
=============== Towncraft Information ===============
MCMMO Overview:
MCMMO is a skill based addon that allows you to enhance
certain tasks. Some tasks include Fishing, Mining,
Herbalism, Repair and Acrobatics.
To list all do /mcstats
Abilities are granted per task like the ability to mine
faster by enabling GigaDrill ability. To enable these
abilities you can hold an item in hand, example being
a pickaxe for GigaDrill, then by right clicking. In
chat it will alert you that you have activated this
ability and you can continue mining. As you level up
this skill, your length of time the ability will be
extended when activated.
MCMMO Specific Commands:
/mcstats - Shows a scoreboard with your stats on the EX: /mcstats
right side of screen. EX: /mcstats
/mctop - Shows whose on top for power and abilities. EX: /mctop
/mcrank - Shows mcmmo rankings on the server. EX: /mcrank
=============== Towncraft Information ===============