=============== Towncraft Information ===============
Navigating and Setting Homes
/tptoggle - Used to enable / disable the TP command. EX: /tptoggle
/tpa - Request to TP to another player. Requires approval. EX: /tpa {playername}
/tpyes - Accept a teleport request from another player. EX: /tpyes
/warp - Warp around the map to set locations. EX: /warp WarpName
Check /gui per server to see available warps. EX: /gui
Players can purchase warps on certain servers
for 75K via Staff request or ticket.
/home homename - Used to teleport back to the home. EX: /home home
/sethome homename - Used to create a home location. EX: /sethome home
/delhome homename - Used to delete the home. EX: /delhome home
=============== Towncraft Information ===============
=============== Towncraft Information ===============
Navigating and Setting Homes
/tptoggle - Used to enable / disable the TP command. EX: /tptoggle
/tpa - Request to TP to another player. Requires approval. EX: /tpa {playername}
/tpyes - Accept a teleport request from another player. EX: /tpyes
/warp - Warp around the map to set locations. EX: /warp WarpName
Check /gui per server to see available warps. EX: /gui
Players can purchase warps on certain servers
for 75K via Staff request or ticket.
/home homename - Used to teleport back to the home. EX: /home home
/sethome homename - Used to create a home location. EX: /sethome home
/delhome homename - Used to delete the home. EX: /delhome home
=============== Towncraft Information ===============